Exam Study Options and Help Getting Started.
If you take the Ham Test Online Technician license course from our club and then pass the ARRL/VEC Technician license exam, the club will provide you with a free six month membership to YARC.
Other options for studying for any class license exam is to do self-study with exam materials from the ARRL, from Ham Test Online, from the Gordon West, from Ham Study, or from KB6NU. The W5YI Group even has their exam study course on an audio CD that you can order.
Help When You Receive Your License
Once you receive your license, YARC offers periodic sessions at the YARC club station at the Jeep Posse building, where we can demonstrate good operating techniques, teach basic radio related concepts, or answer any questions that you might have. These sessions are intended to help you take the next steps in amateur radio.
The club will also assign you a Buddy Mentor (an experienced ham) who you can interact with, to ask questions about the study materials. A Buddy Mentor can be assigned to you regardless of what study method or materials that you use. Contact mentor@w7yrc.org if you would like a Buddy Mentor assigned to you.
We also have an Elmer Group (ask.elmer@w7yrc.org) that can help you get your station set up and antenna installed free of charge. They can also help you when you encounter specific technical challenges with your equipment. Contact them at (ask.elmer@w7yrc.org). For antenna installations, they will first come out and do a site survey to see what it will take to do a good antenna installation.
License Exams
YARC offers license examination sessions quarterly for all license classes. For additional information on the exams, see Testing Information.