There are a number of lunch and breakfast gatherings in the area that are open to all radio amateurs and interested persons:
Third Thursday of the Month – YARC holds an informal breakfast gathering at the BackBurner Restaurant at 8 AM. The restaurant is at 8400 Long Mesa Drive in Prescott Valley.
Second Tuesday of the Month – Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA) local gathering. 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM at the Golden Corral Restaurant in Frontier Village in Prescott, off Highway 69. You do not have to be a QCWA member to attend.
Every Monday – Lunch, 11 AM to 12:30 PM at a roving location. Contact Bob Rosevear WB7RRQ to get on the email distribution list.
Every Wednesday – Breakfast at 7 AM at the Manzanita Grill at the Antelope Hills Golf Course, near the Prescott airport.
Every Wednesday – Lunch – 10:30 AM at Costco
Please inform ( of any changes to these events.