2014 Arizona Centennial QSO Party Announcement!
Announcing the 2014 Arizona QSO Party, sponsored by the ARRL Arizona Section and Catalina Radio Club, from Oct 11 1600Z to Oct 12 0600Z and Oct 12 1400Z to Oct 12 2359Z.
Phone, CW and Digital modes on 160/80/40/20/15/10/6/2 meters. Single-Op, Multi-Op, Arizona Multi-Multi, Arizona County Expedition and Mobile categories. Work stations once per band and mode. Mobiles may be worked once per band and mode in each county. County Line operations (two counties max) count as 2 QSOs.
Outside Arizona exchange sequential serial number and location (State, Province, or DXCC Prefix). Arizona Stations send sequential serial number and State/County abbreviation. Suggested Frequencies (kHz): CW: 1812, 3548, 7048, 14048, 21048, 28048, 50048. SSB: 1848, 3848, 7189, 14248, 21348, 28448, 50148. FM Simplex: 146.48MHz. One point per Phone QSO, two points for CW and Digital QSOs. Multipliers for non-AZ entries are the 15 AZ counties by band and mode.
Multipliers for AZ entries are States, Provinces, and DXCC Countries by mode. Final score is total QSO points times total multipliers + 100pts for Special Event Station W7SA. Mail logs no later than Oct 31 to Catalina Radio Club, C/O Gary Keck, PO Box 17811, Tucson, AZ 85731 or via email to logs@azqsoparty.org. For full rules, along with log and summary sheets, Cabrillo electronic file format, and Award information, see http://www.azqsoparty.org.
Arizona Operators: announce your own planned AZQP operation so we can cover ALL Arizona Counties. Please send planned operation details to info@AZQSOParty.org.
Gary Keck, KE7DX
Arizona QSO Party Coordinator, Catalina Radio Club