Below is the list of seminars being held at the Prescott Hamfest at ERAU on June 10 and June 11. There are many interesting seminars for the ham as well as the non-ham. We thank the many presenters who have taken their time to prepare and present these seminars.
Non-Ham Seminars Included
CORRECTION: The previous announcement that non-ham spouses would be admitted free with a paid admission was incorrect. We apologize for the error.
We are also pleased to offer seminars by the following prominent Prescott organizations that are targeted for non-ham attendees, guests, spouses, or friends. See the seminar schedule below for non-ham seminar details, which are highlighted. These seminars are offered in indoor facilities on the ERAU campus in the hamfest area.
- Smoki Museum
- Watters Gardening Center
- Heritage Park Zoo
- Yavapai College – O. L. L. I. – Lifelong Learning Program.
Complete Seminar List and Schedule
The following schedule of ham and non-ham seminars is tentative and could change. A final schedule will be handed out at the hamfest entrance.