You received your license, now what? YARC offers a number of options to help you get started and grow in the hobby.
- Need help installing antennas and getting your station set up or do you have a technical issue? Our Elmer Group can help you get started or help you resolve your problem. Contact Please include your name, call (if you have one), phone number, and email address. Here is a link to our Elmer Assistance Request Form.
- We also offer twice monthly sessions for new and beginning hams at our club station at the Jeep Posse Building on Commerce Drive in Prescott. Experienced hams will offer insight into basic amateur radio topics. These events will also be posted on the club Calendar and announcements will be made on the web site home page as the date of the event gets closer.
- Come and operate our club station and try out our VHF/UHF and HF equipment and antennas. Again, go to “Club” and select “Club Station for details. If you don’t have a license, you can even operate under the supervision of a licensed control operator. Dates for operating open houses on certain Friday evenings can be found on the web site Calendar.