Special Interest Groups or SIGs are groups of hams with a common interest. They meet to discuss their topic and to share their knowledge.
[learn_more caption=”Beginning Amateur Radio”]
Moderators: Art Protas KG6AY (kg6ay@protas.com) and Jim Zimmerman N6KZ.
This group addresses the needs of the new or inexperienced ham. Learn what you wanted to know about “what’s next” now that I have my license. For more information contact the group moderators.
[learn_more caption=”Software Defined Radio”]
Moderator: Doug Theriault, NO1D (no1d.doug@gmail.com)
This group wishes to work with computer software controlled radio. Currently meeting via email. For more information contact the group moderator.
[learn_more caption=”10-Meter Net”]
Moderator Bill Noe, WG7W.
This group operates a 10 M USB net on Thursday evenings at 8:00 PM on 28.444 MHz, except on club meeting nights. The intent is for the net to be open to anyone in the amateur radio community. The group also encourages Technician licensees to gain HF operating experience using their 10 meter privileges.
[learn_more caption=”Digital Modes”]
Moderator Tom Azlin, W7SUA
The Digital SIG is comprised of those interested in all amateur radio digital modes to include HF sound card digital modes and digital voice. For more information, contact the group moderator.
[learn_more caption=”IRLP/ Echolink”]
Moderator Rex Mauldin, N7NGM.
This group shares an interest in utilizing the internet to enhance radio operations. Members have established several IRLP nodes. For more information, contact the group moderator.
[learn_more caption=”Arduino and Rasberry Pi “]
Moderator: Doug Theriault, NO1D (no1d.doug@gmail.com)
This group wishes to experiment with the tiny micro-controllers, finding and demonstrating ham related uses. Currently meeting via email with occasional lunch meetings among members. For more information contact the group moderator.
[learn_more caption=”Amateur TV (ATV) “]
Moderator: Don Bauer, WB7TPH (dbauer2250@aol.com)
This group wishes to get ATV interest started in the club.