Daily and Weekly Nets

Local Nets

The Yavapai Amateur Radio Club sponsors many nets.

Checking into the nets and acting as net control are excellent ways to keep your radio skills top notch, plus gain confidence in yourself as an operator.  The nets are also good places to obtain practice for the numerous public service and Ares/Races events the club participates in throughout the year.

If you find no one talking on one of these nets go ahead and ask if anyone is listening and talk to them when they respond. You don’t have to be a “Net Control Station” to have a conversation.

The Yavapai Amateur Radio Club encourages each net to periodically rotate Net Control among its participants in order to improve skills in this area. The means for accomplishing this goal is left up to each net.


2-Meter & 70CM FM Net Wednesday Night – The Yavapai Amateur Radio Club 2-Meter and 70CM FM net is held every Wednesday night at 1900 hours MST on 146.880 – and 447.650 – with a PL of 100Hz.  These Linked repeaters have AllStar node 603232 and Echolink W7YRC-R. All amateurs are encouraged to join in. The contact for this net is Vice.President@w7yrc.org

Net Script Example ——- Net News and Announcement Example ——- Net Control Guide ——- Net Training Notes

YARC Wednesday Night Net Check-In List

2-Meter & 70CM “Lunch Bunch” FM Net Every Monday at noon –  The Yavapai Amateur Radio Club 2-Meter and 70CM FM net is held every, Monday 12noon MST on 146.880 – and 447.650 – with a PL of 100Hz. These Linked repeaters have AllStar node 603232 and Echolink W7YRC-R. All amateurs are encouraged to join in.  New amateurs will find this net a good place to practice. The contact for this net is Bill WG7W wg7w@arrl.net

6 Meter SSB SIMPLEX Net – The 6 Meter SSB SIMPLEX Net meets each Friday night at 7PM. The net operates on USB at 50.140 Mhz receive and transmit. Netlogger will be used here. The intent is for the net to be open to anyone in the amateur radio community. The contact for this net is Gene N7EJC ejcristjr@gmail.com

Saturday Morning Coffee Net – A weekly net is held every Saturday at 9 AM on the club’s 146.880 – and 447.650 – with a PL of 100Hz.  The net moderator is Mike K7LMJ.  The net is informal and open to any ham. These Linked repeaters have AllStar node 603232 and Echolink W7YRC-R.

10-Meter SSB – The 10-Meter SSB net meets each Thursday night at 1900 hours MST.  The net operates upper sideband on 28.444 MHz +/- QRM.  The intent is for the net to be open to anyone in the amateur radio community.  The contact for this net is Steve WA0A  steven.stock@gmail.com.

2-Meter SSB – The 2-Meter SSB net meets on 144.250 MHz USB each Monday night at 1900 MST.  It is a very informal net/roundtable. Netlogger will be used here. The contact for this net is Gene N7EJC ejcristjr@gmail.com

220 FM Rag Chew Net – The net meets on the 224.080 repeater (negative offset, PL 156.7) belonging to Rod KI6FH.  Mike K7LMJ is the Net Control Station for this net on Wednesday nights at 6:30PM.

VVARA Knobby Knee Net: 147.220 MHz (+), 162.2 Hz PL — daily, 0700 MST; controlled net; mobiles, EchoLink, shorts, and regulars.

MMRG: 147.000 MHz (+), 162.2 Hz PL — daily, 0600 MST; round-table format with net control; no EchoLink; mobiles, shorts, regulars.

MMRG: 147.000 MHz (+), 162.2 Hz PL — Tu, 1930 MST; controlled net; members and guests; about 33% of the check-ins are from Maricopa County.